Officer-in-Charge’s Message

Welcome to Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic (SIP) Website

A famous English Inventor, Tim Berners-Lee said that “On the Web, you can allow people to talk to each other, but you have to guarantee that they know who’s going to have access to the conversation”. This is how the objective of a Web-site of an organization is described by him. In the ever-changing world scenario and presently severely influenced by the developments in Information Communication Technology, one of the widely accessed sources of information is the Organization’s Website.

The internet (Web) is an important means of communication between the institute and the homes. Our website allows you to access information and keep abreast of the events taking place at SIP. It also provides details of Departments, faculty, proctors, the facilities and the events that are part of our educational program.

Choosing an engineering college can be one of the most challenging and difficult decisions a parent needs to make as it involves his ward’s future. We congratulate the parents for choosing SIP. Dear parents, we need your involvement to make our good college into a great college.

I appeal to the parents to support their wards’ education by encouraging them and keeping them focused on performing to their very best ability. Please regularly be in contact with faculty about your wards’ progress in an effort to affirm success or working together in setting new goals for achievement. Students can achieve success when responsibility is accepted with sincerity, integrity and purpose. If we all work together and communicate effectively, our individual and institute goals can be attained.

An educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character, enriching minds and enriching experience that last longer. Life is not a set of instructions but is a saga of experiences and learning process. Engineering is no exception. This is where the Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic (SIP) steps in – to make the difference and where learning is not just a series of instructions but a passion.

Our challenge is to ensure that each and every student is equipped with the knowledge and skills he or she would need to be successful at his/her workplace. In this connection, the institute is supporting the students to refine the necessary skills, attitude and aptitude towards the placement process in the campus by arranging a series of professional development program covering group discussion exercises and personal interviews, etc. from the experts.

Dear Budding Engineers,

I feel proud to welcome you to the portals of Santiniketan Institute of the polytechnic. The institute envisages nurturing young talent. It was established with an aim to provide quality education imbibed with professional values. With excellent infrastructure, high-end laboratories and a well-stocked library. We at SIP, offer six undergraduate Degree Programs in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering and Survey engineering.


SIP is committed to
1) Impart quality education by establishing effective learning teaching- learning process to produce competent engineers with high professional ethics & societal responsibility.

2) Create congenial environment & provide state-of the- art infrastructure.

3) Continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

Our Greetings and Hearty welcome to our college.


Thank You


Santiniketan Institute of Polytechnic